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Jörg Penzlin appointed as MD of BayWa r.e. Wind GmbH

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BayWa r.e. has appointed Jörg Penzlin as the new Managing Director of its subsidiary BayWa r.e. Wind GmbH, which is responsible for the development and implementation of wind projects in Germany.

Together with Dr. Marie-Luise Pörtner, Jörg Penzlin now forms the new senior management team of BayWa r.e. Wind GmbH. His responsibilities include Finance, Project Management, Cooperations and Business Development as well as Business Analysis.

After studying industrial engineering (focus: energy management) and taking his first steps in the consultancy and energy sector, Jörg Penzlin joined the company in 2013. He started out as a project manager for wind energy and was then promoted to Head of Cooperations and Project Acquisition in 2015. In his new role as Managing Director, he succeeds Rainer Heyduck, who left the company on June 30th.

Steve Packwood, Regional Director Wind Projects EMEA at BayWa r.e., welcomes the internal promotion: "Jörg Penzlin is an experienced and accomplished manager from our own ranks in the field of renewable energies. He knows our business thoroughly, and together with Dr. Marie-Luise Pörtner, will provide new valuable input for the success story of our wind business."

At the same time, he thanked Rainer Heyduck for his work over the past years: "Rainer Heyduck has left a strong impact and played a major role in the successful development of our wind business. I wish him all the best for his future path."

Jörg Penzlin adds: "I am very much looking forward to this new chapter at BayWa r.e. Working on sustainable projects has always been fascinating to me. We are serious about the energy transition at BayWa r.e., and I am very proud to make my contribution together with our motivated and competent team. Particularly important to us is working together with the municipalities and communities, because we want the benefits of wind energy also felt locally."

Great momentum in wind energy

The change of staff at BayWa r.e. Wind GmbH comes at a time of a new political direction in Germany. The expansion of renewable energies, and in particular wind energy, is to be significantly accelerated to permanently reduce dependence on fossil energy imports and to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. Initiatives such as the designation of suitable areas or simplified and accelerated approval procedures on all levels are to give wind projects a new boost in all German states.

Steve Packwood comments: "Our wind energy project pipeline stands at an impressive capacity of more than 3,000 MW in Germany. I wish the two managing directors and the entire team every success in contributing to a carbon-neutral future and mitigating climate change through the realisation of new wind farms."

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Raphael Lohrer
Contact for Media Requests
BayWa r.e. AG
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