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local case study


Bad Liebenwerda

The Bad Liebenwerda solar park in the district of Elbe-Elster (Brandenburg) has a total output of approx. 21 MWp and covers an area of 21.6 hectares. 39,463 modules, all of which are active on both sides (bifiacial), generate approx. 23,000 MWh of green electricity per year. This corresponds to the annual electricity requirements of around 6,190 average three-person households in Germany.

A special feature of the project: for the first time at BayWa r.e., the Bad Liebenwerda solar park was realized with financial participation by the municipality in accordance with Section 6 of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).

December 2022 Commissioning
21.14 MWp of installed capacity
Biodiversity-enhancing measures

local case study


Bad Liebenwerda

Bad Liebenwerda

The Bad Liebenwerda solar park in the district of Elbe-Elster (Brandenburg) has a total output of approx. 21 MWp and covers an area of 21.6 hectares. 39,463 modules, all of which are active on both sides (bifiacial), generate approx. 23,000 MWh of green electricity per year. This corresponds to the annual electricity requirements of around 6,190 average three-person households in Germany.

A special feature of the project: for the first time at BayWa r.e., the Bad Liebenwerda solar park was realized with financial participation by the municipality in accordance with Section 6 of the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).

December 2022 Commissioning
21.14 MWp of installed capacity
Biodiversity-enhancing measures

Project Location

The promotion of biodiversity was a central component of the planning. 20.93 hectares of the solar park area are available for measures to protect, maintain and develop nature and the landscape. Less than one percent of the total solar park area was sealed for module installation and construction.

The solar park area was divided into two individual areas so that beavers and otters, among others, can use the existing drainage ditch, which crosses the area outside the building boundaries from southwest to northeast, as a migration corridor.

As an additional compensatory measure for the construction of the ground-mounted PV system, an approx. 4.38 ha compensation area in Zobersdorf was made extensible. Arable grass was sown on the previously intensively farmed arable land. The area is now grazed by Scottish Highland cattle.

As an Independent Power Producer (IPP), BayWa r.e. operates the Bad Liebenwerda solar park as part of its own asset portfolio.

Technical Information

LocationBad Liebenwerda, Brandenburg
Installed capacity21.14 MWp
Connection to the gridDecember 2022
ModulesFixed tilt, bifacial
Type of installationGround-mounted
Our RoleDevelopment, Financing, EPC, Energy Marketing, Operation and Maintenance
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