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local case study



In addition to BayWa r.e., other institutions and companies such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE were involved in the research project funded by the German government. The innovative solution increased the land use efficiency on the test area by more than 60%.

In order to increase the self-consumption share of the solar power generated, a battery with a storage capacity of 150 kWh was also installed.

Heggelbach in Herdwangen-Schönach
194 kWp of installed capacity
Agri-PV installation

local case study



In addition to BayWa r.e., other institutions and companies such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE were involved in the research project funded by the German government. The innovative solution increased the land use efficiency on the test area by more than 60%.

In order to increase the self-consumption share of the solar power generated, a battery with a storage capacity of 150 kWh was also installed.

Heggelbach in Herdwangen-Schönach
194 kWp of installed capacity
Agri-PV installation

Project Location

Technical Information

LocationHeggelbach, Herdwangen-Schönach, Lake Constance
Installed capacity194 kWp
Connection to the gridSeptember 2016
ModulesFixed tilt, bifacial
Type of installationAgri-PV
Our RolePlant design, electrical engineering and EPC coordination
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