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local case study


Spitalhöfe (Pfaffenweiler)

On an area of almost 8 hectares, the Spitalhöfe solar park in Pfaffenweiler (Villingen-Schwenningen) was put into operation in May 2022. The installed capacity is 7.27 MWp, generating approximately 8 million kWh of green electricity per year, which corresponds to the electricity consumption of about 2,500 average German 3-person households.


Battery storage plant combination
Biodiversity-enhancing measures
2,500 households could be supplied with this amount of electricity on a balance sheet basis

local case study


Spitalhöfe (Pfaffenweiler)

On an area of almost 8 hectares, the Spitalhöfe solar park in Pfaffenweiler (Villingen-Schwenningen) was put into operation in May 2022. The installed capacity is 7.27 MWp, generating approximately 8 million kWh of green electricity per year, which corresponds to the electricity consumption of about 2,500 average German 3-person households.


Battery storage plant combination
Biodiversity-enhancing measures
2,500 households could be supplied with this amount of electricity on a balance sheet basis

Project Location

A special feature of this project is the combination of the ground-mounted PV system with a battery storage system. The plant combination, which was supported by the innovation tender of the Federal Network Agency, is one of the first of its kind in Baden-Württemberg.

In addition, a special focus was placed on preserving and promoting local biodiversity during the planning and construction of the plant. For example, suitable habitat for lizards was created by creating rock fills and deadwood piles.

Newly seeded flowering areas ensure the preservation of wild bees and other pollinating insects. Additional habitat for birds and small animals can be found in the newly planted bushes and trees at the edge of the solar park, which also serve to integrate the plant into the landscape.

Learn more about this exciting project on our project website.

Technical Information

LocationPfaffenweiler (Villingen-Schwenningen), Baden-Württemberg
Installed capacity7.27 MWp
Connection to the gridMay 2022
ModulesFixed tilt, partly bifacial
Type of installationGround-mounted
Our RoleDevelopment, EPC, Operation and Maintenance

Sheep grazing on the Spitalhöfe solar park

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