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We Provide Profitable Alternatives

After the period of guaranteed feed-in remuneration has ended

To overview

A secure future for your wind farm – PPA for continued operation once EEG subsidies have ended

In 2020, the 20-year period of subsidies outlined in Germany’s Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) ended for the first photovoltaic plants and wind turbines. According to a study by the Fachagentur Windenergie an Land, wind parks with a capacity of approx. 4 GW will no longer be eligible for EEG subsidies from 2021. As an experienced direct marketer, we offer plant operators with expiring subsidies multi-year electricity supply contracts, also known as power purchase agreements (PPAs). 

Choose between fixed remuneration models and models with flexible remuneration that is transparently based on the energy markets. Plant operators can define the desired target price for continued operation in advance in a target price agreement. Through bespoke offers, we provide operators with planning security so they can continue to operate their plants economically.

To achieve attractive returns, it is very important to fix prices at the right time given the volatile forward market prices on the electricity exchange. Come and talk to us – we will be happy to advise you.

An overview of our services:

  • We market renewable energy plants that are no longer eligible for further subsidies after receiving EEG subsidies for twenty years
  • We offer fixed or variable remuneration models that are transparently based on the energy markets
  • Benefit from our experienced trading team and learn when is the right time to conclude a contract
  • Thanks to our stable and financially strong parent company BayWa AG, your payments are secured in the long term

Marketing of electricity from sewage and mine gas without EEG subsidies

Once the subsidised EEG direct marketing has lapsed, a waste disposal order will remain in force for landfill, mine and sewage gas, since these gases may not be released untreated into the environment. To ensure the economic viability of their electricity generation, plant operators must seek new marketing opportunities for continued operation. Power purchase agreements (PPAs), i.e. multi-year marketing contracts, are a suitable option for plants that are no longer subsidised.

An overview of our services:

  • Short and medium-term marketing contracts with a fixed rate of remuneration 
  • Projectable, secure income, even without subsidies
  • Fixed or variable remuneration models that are transparently based on the energy markets
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