Our Trading & Operations Cockpit experts always have their finger on the pulse of the markets. In order to provide you with access to the best trading channels, our dealers are active on all the relevant markets. They follow price trends, forecast power generation and demand, identify opportunities and compensate for short-term fluctuations, while also taking into account your individual needs.
Portfolio management
How much electricity is produced by our plants? And how high should our threshold be for secondary balancing power? It is vital that these kinds of questions are answered in order to develop a successful trading strategy. Answering these questions calls for precise, regularly updated forecasts about output, demand and the market price. Developing these tailormade forecasts is what our portfolio managers and analysts do every day. They draw attention to risks and opportunities and develop appropriate trading strategies, which are then implemented by the trading team.
Our trading team
Our trading team is here to help you! The team in our Trading & Operations Cockpit is active on your behalf in all the major energy markets. Our dealers implement the trading strategies that have been put together by the portfolio managers.
This includes trading our customers’ EEG electricity on the spot markets and trading flexibility on the balancing energy market, the day-ahead market and the intraday market. The trading team also monitors the remote control of our plant portfolio – for example, when generating balancing energy or operating flexible controllable plants.
How much electricity will be fed into the grid by our plant operators? And how much will be traded with other market players? As the body responsible for the balancing group, our trading team answers these questions by providing grid operators with what is known as a ‘schedule’ for each 15-minute window of the following day. In line with our obligations, our balancing groups must be balanced.
This means that input, consumption and trading are synchronised, so that we and our customers can avoid the cost of acquiring balancing power. In order to achieve this, our trading team always has an eye on live data and the latest forecasts. This means we can take action on the markets at short notice in response to any imbalance in our balancing groups.