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Redispatch 2.0 – overcoming new challenges together

To overview

Effective 1 October 2021, the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) is introducing a unified approach to redispatching, known as “Redispatch 2.0”, which aims to improve the stability of the grid and the energy system. The new regulations apply to all installations over 100 kW. This includes installations that were previously unaffected by feed-in management requirements and those that are currently on a fixed EEG feed-in tariff.

Does Redispatch 2.0 introduce new obligations for plant operators?

The new regulations bring with them several responsibilities for plant operators. They set out two new roles that must be performed: “Einsatzverantwortlicher” (EIV, Resource Provider) and “Betreiber der technischen Ressource” (BTR, Producer). Another important requirement is to facilitate the timely transfer of the data that is needed by the grid operator. These data include master data, planning data and unavailability reports.

In order to implement all of the requirements of Redispatch 2.0, operators must clarify the following aspects:

  • Determining the Resource Provider (EIV) and Producer (BTR) roles
  • Revising the contract with the direct marketer regarding the implementation of Redispatch 2.0
  • Assigning a balancing model (e.g. forecasting model)
  • Choosing the invoicing concept for the loss of electricity production (e.g. ex post)
  • Determining the request type (e.g. tolerance)
  • Ensuring the availability of data

    How can we support you with implementation?

    Thanks to our many years of experience in the processes of market communication, we can provide plant operators with excellent support as they implement the new regulations. On behalf of our plant operators, we assume the roles of Resource Provider (EIV) and Producer (BTR). We therefore take on the majority of the new responsibilities.

    Redispatch 2.0 for installations on the EEG feed-in tariff

    The changes to market processes make the requirements for transferring data to the grid operator significantly more complex. For operators who lack the necessary IT infrastructure, it will be very challenging to implement the requirements in time. As one of Germany’s most experienced direct marketing companies, BayWa r.e. helps operators to meet the new obligations. For plant operators who receive a fixed EEG feed-in tariff, the rewards for voluntarily entering into a direct marketing arrangement are twofold.

    Firstly, they will benefit from the comprehensive services offered by BayWa r.e. Secondly, they will be able to secure additional revenue through the management premium.

    Do you want to find out more about the benefits of direct marketing? Please contact us, we would be happy to provide you with a quotation.

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