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local case study



The Wilhelmshöhe wind farm in Lower Saxony is not only another successful repowering project, but also an example of successful recycling and the sustainable use of valuable components and raw materials.

At the Wilhelmshöhe wind farm, practically all the individual parts of the twelve old Südwind S70 wind turbines were put to a new use.

Municipality of Uetze near Hanover
36 MW of installed capacity
8 wind turbines

local case study



The Wilhelmshöhe wind farm in Lower Saxony is not only another successful repowering project, but also an example of successful recycling and the sustainable use of valuable components and raw materials.

At the Wilhelmshöhe wind farm, practically all the individual parts of the twelve old Südwind S70 wind turbines were put to a new use.

Municipality of Uetze near Hanover
36 MW of installed capacity
8 wind turbines

Project Location

For example, the foundations of the old turbines were demolished, crushed and recycled on site for the routes of the new wind farm, which consists of eight turbines. Eleven of the old wind turbines were sold and reinstalled in Macedonia, where they continue to operate and produce clean energy.

The twelfth turbine was completely dismantled and delivered to various recycling channels. The rotor blades of this turbine were recycled and reused as “green” cement. The Wilhelmshöhe wind farm is thus a good example of sustainability in practice – a topic that BayWa r.e. is deeply engaged with in many ways.

Technical Information

LocationMunicipality of Uetze, near Hanover
Capacity36 MW
Type of wind turbinesNordex Delta4000 N149
Number of wind turbines8
Mast height105m
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